
Showing posts from January, 2021

Antenna tuning - How to juggle two bands

Hello folks.  There's been some time since I've written my last post. I've been very busy with work and other side projects, which eventually will find their way here, but since they're far from completion, I thought to make a smaller post about a subject that is useful and I've had had in my notes for a long time. So I figured I'd just put it up on the blog so it could be useful as reference for someone, or even myself one of these days. The subject is simple, how to tune a dual-band antenna. There's a fair amount of articles and tutorials, even on YouTube, about matching networks, either LC and Pi networks. They'll teach you all you need to know about Smith charts and what not. That's all very useful, but they all have one problem, they usually focus on having impedance \(Z_1=R_1+jX_1\) become \(Z_0\) \(\Omega\) at one single frequency. But how do you do it when your antenna is suppose to operate at two different frequency bands? How to tune both b...